How To Fix “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages”?
Are you having problems with the issue “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages“? How to fix it? In today’s article, I will provide solutions for you to solve the issues. Please follow the below steps to get the problem resolved now
How did “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages” occur?
Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages
You may get the issue Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages. Don’t worry, we are here to provide you solutions in order to resolve your problem.
How to fix “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages”?
For the solution to the problem of upstream dependency confpct installation NPM packages error, just use --legacy-peer-deps
following npm install
. You can use npm install --legacy-peer-deps --save radium
to install Radium. It should work, I hope.
Solution 1: Use npm to install -legacy -peer-deps
This problem is with peer dependencies in the latest version (v7) of npm, which is still a beta. try with npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Solution 2: Use -legacy-peer-deps after npm install
After npm install
, just use --legacy-peer-deps
. You can use npm install --legacy-peer-deps --save radium
to install radium. It should work, I hope.
Solution 3: Force method
Simply add –force to the end of npm installation. Ex. npm install --force
Final words
The above are useful solutions that can help you fix “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages” problem, if you can’t solve it well. Please leave a message.